(screeching metal)
Bingo! 500 feet. God, I love this job.
All right, that's enough for today.
Let's get the hell out of here.
- Mr Pascal please, periscope depth.
- Periscope depth.
Ladies and gentlemen, let me be the first
to congratulate you on a textbook dive.
Carl, you and the Orlando
are about to take part in a highly experimental
war game conceived by Admiral Winslow.
The objective is for the Orlando
to protect Charleston
against an unknown submarine
that'll try to invade the harbour.
Now, I would love to be able to tell you more,
but the conditions of the exercise prohibit it.
However, I can tell you this.
Given the nature of the intruder,
you won't have much trouble.
We'll be more than ready, sir.
¶ I'm going to feel the way I do today
¶ Cos you, you nutsy chick, you broad
¶ You make me feel so young. Boom!
That was terrible.
I'm going to go outside for a smoke.
When I get back in you'd better have the horn
section figured out. I can't work like this.
It's two on and two outs.
Bonds is up again. Swung on.
Foul down the right-field line.
It struck the ball girl. Knocked her cold.
- Today's game is brought to you by...
- Boy's absorbed a lot of voltage.
So far, sir, I'm only picking up
some faint merchant traffic.
- Roger that, Sonar.
- Captain, I'm just wondering.