Sonar, plug that in.
Running lights on.
- Running lights?
- Turn 'em on!
We are not running silent. Listen up.
Oh, my Lord, what is that?
Looks like nothing but a fishing trawler.
(all sing "Louie, Louie")
(faint strains of "Louie, Louie")
Listen to this.
("Louie, Louie" continues)
Perfect. We just chased down
a boatload of beered-up fishermen.
Come to north at full speed.
Set your depth at 200 feet.
(ΒΆ "Louie, Louie")
Contact is breaking off, sir.
Leaving the area fast and noisy.
I... I think we did it, sir.
- Pay up.
- (Dodge) Well done.
Mr Pascal, let's go to Charleston harbour
and blow something up.
Now we're talking.
Are we really going to
blow something up, sir?
No, no, Sonar. We'll just use flares.
Well, the storm's passed.
Not a word on Dodge.