And now we appear to have
broken off radio contact.
You are right on top of things as usual, Marty.
Captain, we are not following
the parameters of this exercise.
I have been individually briefed.
I believe we are following
the spirit of this exercise, its intent.
And I believe that you are deluded.
You've hijacked your own boat.
I think it's my duty to inform the crew that
we are operating outside of the navy's control
and ask you to relinquish command.
- Relinquish command.
- Yes, sir.
To who?
To me.
Excuse me.
Captain! Sir.
Sir? I checked the manual
and I am well within my rights.
All hands, this is the captain speaking.
Executive Officer Martin Pascal
has something he'd like to say to you.
(clears throat)
XO Pascal here.
I feel it is my duty to inform you
that we are no longer
in contact with COMSUBLANT.
And we have left the containment area,
in direct violation of orders
from Admiral Graham.
The captain does not deny this.
So I need, I would like, your support
in asking that the captain hand over
command of the Stingray
to me.
Marty Pascal. God bless you all.