I'll pray, I'll pray, I'll pray.
Oh, Avalon, bright Avalon...
think me not a fool.
My quest is not for vanity,
my quest is spiritual.
Merlin, spiritual!
Whoa! Merlin!
Merlin! Ow!
Everyone's a critic!
- Dragon, dragon.
- Yes, I know. Where?
There, there.
Get back here, horse.
You coward.
Marvelous! Heroics befitting the days
of Arthur and the Round Table!
Never have I seen such skill!
Then you must have lived
the sheltered life...
of a mon... monk.
Why, yes. A scribe, scholar,
historian and poet.
Your servant, sir,
Brother Gilbert of Glockenspur.
My humble life is in debt
to your exalted prowess...