Come, visit the woods!
Look out! Well done!
- Ow!
- Pity. That must have hurt.
- Yeah!
- Again?
- Ow!
- And again?
How do you like the ride so far?
We're earning our money now,
aren't we?
Now, is there somewhere you
would like me to drop you off?
The sword against the fang and claw.
The flame against the shield.
Blah, blah, blah,
which one would win?
Blah, blah,
field, shield, wield.
Whose flesh from bones
be peeled. Oh, no.
Whose fate would soon be sealed.
Whose fate would soon be sealed?
Whose fate would soon be sealed!
Oh, you're good. Haven't had
this sort of challenge in some time.
Nor likely to again!
A little overconfident, aren't we?
Hardly. But if you win,
you'll be out of work.