I will not stop until I've rid the world
of every last one of you.
I am the last one!
You're just trying to save
your scaly hide with tricks.
Haven't you noticed the pickings
are rather slim these days?
I got me one just the other day.
So it was you who killed the
Scarred One. She and I were the last.
Must've been a proud kill, warrior.
How much gold did her tattered carcass
put in your purse?
That's none of your business.
Couldn't have been very much.
And you'll kill me for sport?
And when there are
no more dragons to slay...
how will you make
a living, Knight?
Shut up!
If your teeth come down, my sword
goes up, right into your brain!
If your sword goes up,
my teeth come down!
Into the moonlit night
the titans dueled...
in mortal combat bound.
Oh, who'd the fatal
false step make?
Whose blood
would stain the ground?