- What do you suggest?
- A truce.
Get out of my mouth
and let's talk face-to-face.
How do I know I can trust you?
I give you my word.
The word of a dragon.
It's worthless.
Stubborn lout!
I should have known!
Go on. Kill me!
I don't want to kill you!
I never did!
And I don't want you to kill me!
How do we gain?
If you win, you lose a trade.
If I win, I wait around
for the next sword slinger...
thirsting to carve a reputation
out of my hide.
And I'm tired of lurking in holes...
and skulking in darkness.
I'm gonna let you up now.
And if you insist...
we can pursue this fracas
to its final stupidity.
Or you can listen
to my alternative.
What's the alternative?
Father, Father, look!
Out of the way!
Out of the way!
Out of the way!