It's Draco!
About time.
It seems you people
are in need of a dragonslayer.
Where is the lord responsible
for this village?
Brok lives in a big house
about six miles away.
But he'll only blame any damage on us
and pluck our pockets to pay for it.
I won't pluck them as deeply.
I'll make you a fair offer.
Take it, or leave him!
It's enough you people
grovel to Einon.
Will you be bullied by some broken-down,
blackmailing knight as well?
That's right, you don't need me.
Settle it yourself.
Of course, there are other ways.
Perhaps you'll part with...
one of your precious daughters,
instead of gold.
Dragons are partial
to maiden sacrifices, I hear.
Don't do this!
Don't do this to me!
I was born in this village!
You knew my father!
You knew my mother!
- Who's the girl?
- A nuisance. Get rid of her.
- Why?
- They're trying to placate you
with a sacrifice.
Now, whoever gave them
that bright idea?
- Never mind. Just get rid of her!
- How?
- Eat her!
- Oh, please! Yuck!
Aren't we squeamish?
You ate Sir Eglamore, hypocrite.
I merely chewed in self-defense,
but I never swallowed.
All right, all right.
He's coming! Quick!