Leave me alone.
- Well?
- Angry, but to my advantage.
- She knows your secrets?
- Yes, but knows they're harmless.
I've oft remarked...
...on Teodoro's
wit and manly beauty...
...and might admire it...
...were that consistent
with my sense of duty.
Love is the common lot
of all...
...but I more highly prize
my honoured name.
I worship my nobility...
...and the very thought
brings shame.
Envy, I know too well,
must be my fate...
...engendered by a joy I cannot
share. With reason I resent...
...my rank and state...
...and can but vainly wish...
...that he were more
and I not far above him...
...or I were less
and so could freely love him.
I couldn't rest.
I'm not surprised. If she finds
out, that's the end of you.
I said to wait,
but would you? No.
- Love brooks no resistance.
- You're all thrust.
Like a good swordsman.
You'd see the danger
is you were one.
- She recognized me?
- No and yes.
She didn't know,
but she suspected.
When Fabio chased me
down the stairs...
...I marvel I didn't kill him.
How I threw my hat,
putting out the light!
It dazzled him and stopped him.
Else, I'd have gone for him.
As I ran down, I told the lamp,
"You say we're strangers"...
...but it said, "You lie!"
I threw my hat.
Am I dishonoured?
I cannot live.
You lovers always say
such things...
...before you're hurt at all.
Tristán, what can I do
in so much danger?
Forget Marcela.
If the countess finds out,
you'll have no choice...
...you'll have to go.
I just forget her?
I'll give you lessons
on Cures for Love.