Do, I beg you.
Your ladyship means
to prove me wanting.
Write, and come to me later.
I shall.
- Tristán, attend.
- I reappear to serve you...
...though shamed
by my appearance.
The secretary, my master,
is bankrupt lately...
...yet a gentleman
is ill-advised...
...his servant being
his harbinger, his mirror...
...to let him look too shabby.
I fear he can't help it.
Does he gamble?
I wish to God he did...
...for those who do
are never short of cash.
He's not a gambler, then?
He's too cautious.
Then he is in love, no doubt.
In love? You must be joking!
He's an iceberg.
What, a man so handsome...
...so elegant, so clever
and so young...
...must surely seek
some harmless entertainment?
I deal in straw and barley...
...not billets-doux
nor bill-and-cooing.
He serves you here all day.
I expect he's busy.
He's never out at night?
I don't go with him.
I've got this broken hip.
How did you get it?
I might reply,
as faithless wives reply...
...when they've been battered
by their jealous husbands.
"I tumbled down the stairs."
You fell?
And very far.
My ribs could count the steps.
That was to be expected...
...if you threw your hat
and put the light out, Tristán.
Geroff! God help us now,
she knows it all!
No comment?
I was trying to remember...
...but now I do.
Last night, some bats
were flying around the house.
I threw my hat at them,
one flew towards the light...