El Perro del hortelano

...and trying to hit it
I hit the lamp.

My feet both went from under me,
and I went flying.

Good God, she's in
a blazing temper!

She'll have me battered
for bat-burglary.

Keep them.
Keep your secrets.
The marquis Ricardo.
My mind's a whirl!

With that solicitude
which Love instils...

...in every breast whose
yearning for requital...

...makes light
of any obstacle...

...I come to see you
and to urge my suit...

...although my fond ambition
may seem misplaced...

...to some more hopeful rival...
...whose arrogance is greater
than his ardour.

Your ladyship appears
today so handsome...

...that seeing you
assures me you are well...

...for woman's surest health
is in her beauty.

For when she's gracious,
elegant and gay...

...'tis foolish...
...purest ignorance,
to ask if she be well...

...and all it so condemns.
Aware, then, that you are...
...for so your beauty, Diana,
and brio must attest...

...I venture rather,
strange though it may seem...

...to ask you, how am I?
Your lordship, to equate
what we call brio with beauty...

...is a notion eloquent
of your wise judgement...

...and perceptive mind.
As for your state of health,
I daren't imagine.

Yet one who knows
my honourable intentions...

...should condescend so far.
