You've written it?
I've written it...
...not confidently,
but as you commanded.
Show me.
Read it.
It says...
"To adore one whom we see
another adore is envy...
...if we would not
...for if we had
no mind to adore before...
...we could not after,
through another's eyes.
But when love sees
what it admires...
...among another's trophies,
it's provoked to speak...
...for what offfends the heart
leaps to the tongue.
I say no more, for fear,
as an inferior...
...to offend one far superior,
though it may well seem remiss.
All I know and seek to show
is this.
If I acknowledged
what I hope is true...
...I'd seem to claim much more
than is my due."
How properly you put it.
You jest?
Would I didn't!
What's that?
That yours
is the better version.
I'm sorry. If a servant's known
to know more than his master...
...he'll surely fall
from favour.
Not so, Teodoro...
...for though I say
yours is the cleverer...
...the point is that
it follows my intention...
...not that you need presume,
when your pen pleases...
...that I cease to trust
the sharpness of my own.
Though as a woman
I am prone to error...
...and not too wise,
as may appear.
You fear, as an inferior,
to offend one far superior...
...in loving.
You are mistaken.
In love that cannot be.
Inferiors can't offend by loving.
I think that only hating
gives offence.
That's Nature's logic.
The painter shows Phaeton
and Icarus hurtling down...