There is the danger
he might guess.
Wouldn't it be best
to kill him?
They say that
Marcus Aurelius...
...when his wife desired
to enjoy a gladiator...
...gave her his blood.
But Roman remedies are
not for us Christians, surely.
True, Teodoro.
Now there's no such thing...
...as a Lucretia, a Torquatus
or a Virginius.
In those days, Teodoro,
they'd Faustinas...
...Messalinas and Poppeas.
Write me a memorandum
on the matter.
I'll leave you to it.
Oh, Heavens!
I've fallen!
Why are you staring?
Give me your hand.
I feared to offer it,
out of respect.
How gracious and how gauche
to wrap it up.
As does Otavio,
when you go to Mass.
His is a hand I don't desire.
An ancient hand...
...a hand that should be
shrouded like a corpse.
To make one wait...
...while you wrap up in silk
is to waste time dressing...
...if a friend is attacked.
When you arrive...
...he's dead.
In any case,
how can it be proper...
...whatever petty protocol
...for a hand...
...if honourable...
...to hide its face?
I'm conscious of your
When you're an old retainer,
wrap it in your cloak...
...but now you are
my secretary.
That's to say, you should
keep my fall secret...