...now I wish not to,
I shall cease.
I hear from Fabio
that you want to see me.
I've wanted for a long time.
You must have seen
those two lovers...
...my pair of noble suitors.
Yes, madam.
Handsome, both of them.
Yes, very.
I shall not choose
without consulting you.
Which should I marry?
Aren't there other men about
who understand such things?
Your steward, Otavio, is so much
older and has more experience.
But I'd like you to like
your future master.
Is the marquis handsomer
than my cousin?
Yes, madam.
Then I choose the marquis.
Take him the news
and get your reward.
Whoever saw such
a catastrophe?
So sudden a decision,
such a change?
Diana's tumbled
to her foolishness.
How stupidly I trusted
tender words!