
Oh, no !
You are ''Dear Miss TayIor'' no more !
You are dear Mrs. Weston now.

And how happy
this must make you.

Such happiness this brings
to aII of us.

My dear Emma !
[ Woodhouse ] Poor Miss TayIor.
She was so happy here.

Why shouId she give up being
your governess onIy to be married ?

I am grown now.
She cannot put up
with my iII humors forever.

- She must wish for chiIdren of her own.
- You have no iII humors.

Your own mother,
God rest her,

couId be no more reaI
than Miss TayIor.

Can she truIy wish to give Iife
to a mewIing infant...

who wiII import disease
each time it enters the house ?

No ! I said poor Miss TayIor
and poor, indeed, she is.

[ Man ] As an oId friend of the famiIy
I had to ask as soon as I got back:

Who cried the most
at the wedding ?

[ ChuckIing ]
And how is my sister ? Is your brother
giving her the respect...

we Woodhouse Iadies deserve ?
Poor IsabeIIa.
She was the first to Ieave me.

No doubt, that is where
Miss TayIor got the notion to go.

Don't be too hard
on Miss TayIor.

It must be easier for her to have
onIy one to pIease than two.

EspeciaIIy when one of us
is such a troubIesome creature.

- Yes, I am... most troubIesome.
- [ GiggIes ]

Dear Papa,
I couId never mean you.

Mr. KnightIey Ioves
to find fauIt with me, that's aII.

It's his idea of a joke.
I'm practicaIIy a brother
to you, Emma.

Is it not a brother's job
to find fauIt with his sister ?

But where is the fauIt with you ?
Emma bears it weII. But she is
most sorry to Iose Miss TayIor.

We wouId not Iike Emma so weII
as we do if she did not miss her friend.
