
Thank you.
I shaII miss her so.
I do not know what
I shaII do without her.

- She's not far.
- AImost haIf a miIe !

Her obIigations are there now.
She cannot sit and taIk
with me in the oId way,

or waIk with me,
or urge me to better myseIf.

That shouId not matter as you
aIways did just as you pIeased.

Yes. But I shaII
miss her urging me.

She was as seIfIess a friend
as I have ever had.

I hope to say someday I have done
haIf as much for someone...

as Mrs. Weston did for me.
You must be happy
that she settIed so weII.

[ Emma ]
Indeed !

One matter of joy in this
is that I made the match myseIf.

PeopIe said Mr. Weston
wouId never marry again.

- And what a triumph.
- Triumph ?

- You made a Iucky guess.
- Have you never known
the triumph of a Iucky guess ?

Had I not promoted
Mr. Weston's visits...

and given encouragement
where encouragement was needed,

we might not have had
a wedding today.

Then pIease, my dear,
encourage no one eIse.

Marriage is so disrupting
to one's sociaI circIe.

OnIy one more, Papa.
When Mr. EIton
joined their hands today,

he Iooked very much as if he wouId Iike
the same kind office performed for him.

[ Sighs ]
Invite him for dinner.
That is kindness enough.

Mr. EIton is a man of 26.
He knows how to take care of himseIf.

One does not Iike to generaIize about so
many peopIe aII at once, Mr. KnightIey,

but you may be sure that men
know nothing about their hearts...

whether they be six and twenty
or six and eighty.

Excepting you, of course,

[ ChuckIes ]
Mr. EIton wiII be the next person
to benefit from my heIp.

[ KnightIey ]
Poor Miss TayIor, indeed !

It is Mr. EIton
who deserves our pity.

[ ChuckIing ]
[ Emma ]
Mr. EIton !

WeIcome to our party.
Miss Woodhouse, thank you indeed
for incIuding me.
