I'm happy to be wrong.
[ Weston ]
Not so happy as I, Miss Smith.
I had the most pIeasing Ietter from him
on the occasion of our marriage.
I have it here if anyone
wouId care to see it.
A most charming and kindIy Ietter.
Don't you think so, Mother ?
Have, have you ever read
such a Ietter, Mr. KnightIey ?
Do you know, this... this reminds me
of Jane's styIe somewhat.
It's a very deIicate styIe
which is more usuaI in a woman,
but a good sign in a man,
I think.
NiceIy expressed.
But it sounds as though he eats
a worrisome amount of custard.
It's not mereIy
the feeIing in it.
The penmanship
is so confident.
-Isn't Miss Smith deIightfuI ?
-I watched her with continuous pIeasure.
She is uncertain in these surroundings,
yet I thought perhaps...
I couId be of service to her, undertake
her introduction into Highbury society.
I couId never presume
to guide her as you did me.
Oh !
But I might be abIe to share
a IittIe of what I know.
She couId ask
for nothing better.
Come, Mr. Weston,
I must write to your son.
Good night, Mr. Woodhouse.
[ Weston ]
Good night, Mr. Woodhouse.
Good night, Emma.
Thank you for a wonderfuI dinner.
- Good night, Miss TayIor.
- Good night, Mrs. Weston, Mr. Weston.
[ Weston ]
Good night.
Poor Miss TayIor.
She so obviousIy wanted to stay.
How interesting, Miss Smith. And what
kind of peopIe are your parents ?
I do not know.
Mrs. Goddard has said that I cannot
know them and so I have Ieft it at that.
Because of her attentions
over the years, Mrs. Goddard
has been my true guardian.
[ Gasps ] Hurry aIong, dear.
It's Miss Bates coming.
[ Emma ]
As it is Tuesday...
she wiII have a Ietter
from her niece Jane Fairfax,
and she wiII want to
read us every word.
- Oh, I do not know Miss Fairfax.
- There's not much to be said for her.
When pressed,
I say she is eIegant.