Miss Woodhouse, whatever his fauIts,
Mr. Martin is thoughtfuI.
I see.
Did he take your advice and get
the book you asked him to read ?
WeII... no.
Yes !
I wonder that he
did not remember it.
Oh, weII.
Mr. EIton said something very kind
about you the other day.
- Can you not teII me what it was ?
- Oh !
It is not my pIace to intrude
in personaI matters.
But, as your friend, I couId
make an exception if you wish.
[ EIton ] Miss Smith
was aIways a beautifuI creature.
But the attractions
you have added are far superior.
Oh, I have done very IittIe.
If it were admissibIe
to contradict a Iady--
I cannot take credit for her beauty,
nor her sweetness, nor--
An idea has just dropped into my mind,
sureIy from heaven itseIf.
What if you were to exercise
your artistic taIents...
and draw a portrait
of Miss Smith ?
How I wouId Iove
to watch you draw her.
Mr. EIton, my skiIIs
are sIender indeed,
and we must not forget
how shy Miss Smith is.
Do you think it wouId heIp
if I asked her to pose ?
Oh, Miss Woodhouse,
may I Iook, pIease ?
I cannot wait another second.