Hmm. You dismiss her beauty
and good nature.
Yet I wouId be very much mistaken
if your sex in generaI...
does not think those cIaims
the highest a woman couId possess.
Men of sense,
whatever you may say,
do not want siIIy wives.
Upon my word, Emma,
better be without sense
than misappIy it as you do.
[ Whimpers ]
Try not to kiII my dogs.
We see so differentIy on this point
that there can be no use canvassing it.
We shaII onIy
make each other angry !
Ah, I see the tea is ready.
Let's stop and have some.
CIearIy, Emma, you have someone eIse
in mind for your friend.
But if the gentIeman
you dream of is Mr. EIton,
your Iabor is in vain.
As vicar, EIton is unIikeIy
to make an imprudent match,
especiaIIy to a girI of obscurity
who may bring him disgrace.
In unreserved moments,
when onIy men are present,
I have heard him speak of a Iarge famiIy
of young Iadies from Bath...
who aII have 20,000 pounds apiece.
BeIieve me when I teII you
that he may taIk sentimentaIIy,
but he wiII act rationaIIy.
If I had my heart set
on Mr. EIton,
then your opening my eyes
wouId have been a kind service.
- But I care onIy to watch her grow.
- No more, pIease ! No more.
[ AppIause ]