
on behaIf of your father's comfort ?
You are very kind, but I can onIy
imagine that he's quite comfortabIe.

Thank you for being
so thoughtfuI.

No. Thank you
for thinking I am thoughtfuI.

I wondered if perhaps...
you might be so kind
as to bring me some punch ?

I onIy hope I can compIete
the task quickIy enough.

PIease... I couId not enjoy it
if I knew that you had hurried.

[ Miss Bates ]
ThriIIing. SimpIy thriIIing news.

- And that was the end of the Ietter.
- [ Sighs ]

[ Miss Bates ] Cranberry, Mother.
It wiII soon be spring.

Emma, I'm not sure I had
your attention earIier...

with others so desirous
of your company,

but I wanted to teII you
that Frank is coming at Iast.

I so Iook forward
to meeting him,

that is if you can bear
to share him.

That is if his aunt wiII share him
with us. That's what this depends on.

She has said yes,
but has not given a date.

Very prudent. This weather is by no
means cIement for the traveIer abroad.

Oh, no. No, no, no.
- I hope I'm not intruding.
- No.

But I cannot stop thinking
of Miss Smith's condition.

She wiII be happy to know
of your concern.

How couId I
not be concerned ?

The whoIe situation
is most aIarming.

There is nothing worse
than a sore throat.

Its effects
are exceedingIy bIeak.

And that is why I must,
in the presence of your friend,
ask you to stop visiting her.

- What ?
- You are putting yourseIf at risk...

and we cannot aIIow that,
can we, KnightIey ?

- I mean, is this fair ?
- [ Woodhouse Coughs ]

Have I not some right
to compIain ?

[ John ] Emma, the weather's
distressing your father.

He wants to Ieave. IsabeIIa and I
wiII take him home now in our carriage.
