I am happy to deIiver
your message to Miss Smith.
- You must direct no more of it to me.
- Miss Smith ?
What sort of message wouId I want
to send to her ? [ Laughing ]
- Miss Smith ?
- Mr. EIton, the wine has weakened you.
If the wine has had any effect,
it has been to strengthen my wiII
to teII you I Iove you !
My astonishment is beyond
anything I can express.
For you to address me in this manner
after your behavior to Miss Smith--
I never cared whether Miss Smith
were dead or aIive,
except that she was your friend.
Who can think of Miss Smith
when Miss Woodhouse is near ?
Oh, no.
Everything I have said or done
has been to prove my adoration for you.
Why eIse wouId I go to London
to have your picture framed ?
[ Groans ]
[ Whispering ]
AIIow me to--
AIIow me to interpret the siIence.
You have Iong understood me.
Sit back and kindIy refrain
from the intimacy of whispering !
Am I to understand that you never sought
to recommend yourseIf to Miss Smith ?
How can you be surprised ? Did you
not understand the riddIe I wrote ?
That was for Harriet !
I most obviousIy did not address it
to her, and Ieft it at your home.
But-- Oh.
She's a very good sort of girI. I'm sure
there are men who wouId not object to--
Everybody has their IeveI.
But I need not so totaIIy despair
of an equaI aIIiance...
as to address myseIf
to Miss Smith.
- Sir.
- No !
I sought to recommend myseIf
to you through those visits.
Sir, I have seen you onIy
as the admirer of my friend.
I cannot beIieve that.
- It is weII that the mistake
ends where it does.
- It is her mistake.
- It is mine as weII.
- She wiII manage her disappointment.
Leave her out of it.
How do you feeI
about what I have said ?
Mr. EIton,
any hopes I had with regard to you
were for Harriet...