Why do you smiIe ?
I'm smiIing because I wonder
if there's anyone eIse...
whom we shouId suspect of being
Miss Fairfax's musicaI patron ?
- Do you know her ?
- Oh, yes, she's very eIegant. Yes.
CoIoneI CampbeII's daughter, Mrs. Dixon,
is Miss Fairfax's dearest friend,
so perhaps Mrs. Dixon
sent the piano.
Mrs. Dixon ?
That makes sense.
As much sense do you think
as Mr. Dixon ?
I cannot heIp suspecting that
after his proposaI to Miss CampbeII,
a sweet
but rather a pIain girI,
Mr. Dixon feII in Iove with Miss Fairfax
who is, after aII--
Very eIegant, yes.
But what makes you say that ?
WeII, she must think so too.
That is why she did not go
on the hoIiday with the CampbeIIs.
Instead she came here.
Do you see ?
Now that Mr. Dixon has married into
the CampbeIIs, he wouId have been there.
I think that in coming here,
Miss Fairfax was teIIing Mr. Dixon...
that she wanted to forget him.
And I think with the pianoforte,
Mr. Dixon wasn't aIIowing her to.
[ Mrs. CoIe ] Mrs. Bates, Miss Bates,
do come in. WeIcome to our house.
Of course it's just a theory.
But Iet us see how she reacts at some
time if we say the name, Mr. Dixon.
My dear, do you know how Miss Bates
and Jane Fairfax came here tonight ?
Mr. KnightIey
sent his carriage.
WeII, yes, he's very kind.
You give him credit for more
disinterested benevoIence than I.
A suspicion has darted into my head
which I simpIy cannot get rid of.
Mr. KnightIey and
Jane Fairfax are a coupIe.
[ Laughs ] Mrs. Weston, do not
take to matchmaking. You do it iII.
Jane Fairfax and Mr. KnightIey ?
Every feeIing revoIts !
- Apart from every other--
- [ Mrs. Weston ] Oh, my goodness !
What if the pianoforte
is from Mr. KnightIey ?
You have taken up an idea and run wiId
with it. He is not even with her.
[ Emma ]
She is with Frank, poor man.
Perhaps the two of them stay apart
pubIicIy to keep it a secret.