Shut up and run this again.
With a little sleight of hand...
...one very dead John Doe trades places
with one very live scumbag.
Robert, sit down.
You know...
...if God was as forgiving as WITSEC...
...hell would be one empty joint.
God doesn't have our court system.
I understand you had a busy night.
Some witnesses got careless.
-I see.
-I had to defuse the situation.
Did that include breaking
into the county morgue?
Someone taught me that improvisation
is the heart of field work.
It was you.
In the old days. Weather's changed.
Now every asshole
in Congress is down our backs.
I'm telling you to walk softly.
Is that why Beller called me in?
Because of the morgue?
No, no, no.
He doesn't know anything about that.
I don't think he has to.
Shadow Ops still has some privileges.
You're right.
...good work.
I had a good teacher.
You had the best.