
I'm working for the FBl, William.
They heard everything you just said.

They're watching us now.
And you think that makes you safe?
...have no fucking idea!
How could you do this to me?
I hope you understand, Lee.
You leave me no choice.
Wait a minute! Stop her!
Stop! Hey!
Go, go, go!
Hard evidence.
It's all yours, gentlemen.
We've handled these situations before.
You haven't answered my question.
We told you there'd be risks.
You told me I'd have complete protection
the entire time.

It didn't go as smoothly as we anticipated.
That's an understatement.
Remember, Miss Cullen, you came to us.
I came to you with a clerical error.
You asked for my help.

And we got it.
If Cyrez is selling weapons' technology,
that's high treason.

This disk and your testimony will put them
and their co-conspirators behind bars.

You've done a great service
for your country.

Now, it's time to think about your safety.
