l´ve done nothing wrong
Don´t put all the blame
on me alone
You´ve no medical ethics
None will believe you
Go away!
l´ll show you who´s
right or wrong
Where are you?
Come out, General Hwang!
Don´t hide like a coward
What do you want?
What do you want?
You want my life?
Or that bed? Come out!
Come out,
if you think you can
have Mi-dan this way
What else are you waiting for?
Come on!
Chop off my head
if you´ve the guts!
Come on!
l´m waiting for you
General Hwang
What are you doing?
Let me go, l beg you!
Forget me!
There´s a stupid man who has
loved a woman for 1,000 years
But she deserted him
His love was ignored
and despised
The world has been unfair to me
The people jeered behind my back
at my incompetence and stupidity
But they don´t do so anymore
l´m now the boss
l want you to
experience the agony
l long suffered
from loneliness