Everyone Says I Love You

Over there? Because I...
jogging in Venice is so...

You okay?
Yes, I’m fine. You must keep
in shape. I jog every day. You?

I do.
You’re American?
It’s a great country.
The mountains and the prairies...
the oceans, you know, white
foam and everything...

Are you okay?
- Sit down.
- No, I’m okay.

Just a chest pain radiating
down my arm, but...

That’s your heart.
No, it’s stress. I get
it every other day.

What’s your name?
Here you are.
I was giving him directions.
You okay?

You wanted to do 3 miles.
You okay?
- Yes, I’m fine.
- Just breathe. Breathe.

I nearly died. Couldn’t breathe.
Then her husband showed up.

Her husband came?
That’s rare.

So is coronary thrombosis
in our family.

Did you get her name?
Von. Vonnie.
She’s passionate about Tintoretto.
She’s writing a book about him.

She’s obviously here to visit the
Scuola Grande di San Rocco.

I don’t know what this means.
Why all these art books?

She’ll be at the Scuola. He won’t.
They have nothing in common.

You bump into her. The groundwork’s
been laid. You say...

‘Didn’t we
meet jogging?’

‘The guy with the stroke.’
She’ll remember.

Then you impress her with your
knowledge of her favourite painter.

You’re kidding.
My art knowledge is limited
to Kirk Douglas as Van Gogh.

What do I know about this?
Trust me. Before we leave Venice,
your lips will be pressed to hers.

Unfortunately I left my
Chapstick in New York.

What is this?
‘The rapidity of
his brush strokes...’

‘Outbursts of colour.’
I told Dad everything
I knew about Von.
