Everyone Says I Love You

While i'd been away,
an awful lot had happened.

Mom bought Skylar a
drop- dead wedding dress.

Holden’s father and
my father made friends.

They discovered a common
interest - horse racing.

So they chipped in and
bought a thoroughbred.

And Lane and Laura had a
great summer at the beach.

But one hot weekend, with
everyone else out of New York...

they found
themselves in town.

We’re probably the
only ones in the city.

We usually go to Southampton,
but we have tickets to a show.

I love the city
when it’s empty.

Me too.
Me too.
To make a long story short,
they’ve all become close.

His name, if you can believe
it, is Jeffrey Vandermost.

He’s heir to the
Vandermost millions.

They both love him and one of
them'll have a broken heart.

Fall was especially
beautiful this year.

I like it better
than spring.

And with October
comes Mom’s birthday.

This year we invited Holden’s
parents to celebrate.

But just before they arrived
we had an unexpected visitor.

Happy birthday!
These are from my biological
father, all the way from Paris.
