Everyone Says I Love You

- Look, everybody!
- Know what it is? Caviar!

Could you put
this on ice, Frieda?

- Are you expecting a Mr Ferry?
- I am, yes.

You are?
He just got out of prison.
He has no family...

but we can be his friends.
You’re letting a
criminal in our house?

He’s paid his
debt to society.

- He has not paid...
- Don’t start.

Society forgave him his debt,
he didn’t pay his debt to society.

How’d I get a kid on the other end
of the political scale? I failed.

You didn’t fail.
If I was you, i’d
hide the silverware.

Don’t be rude. He’s
coming for just a drink.

You guys have everything.
Mr Ferry, hi. I’m Bob Dandridge.
This is my wife, Steffi.

Hello, Mr Ferry. Welcome
to our home.

I’d like you to meet
my daughter, Skylar.

This is Skylar,
and her fiancé, Holden.

- I’m the fiancé.
- Can I get you something?

Nobody gets behind me.
Right, sure. Can I
get you a drink?

Right, well, maybe
on the...? Or just...?

Straight up.
Honey, Mr Perr...Ferry. Sorry,
he’s lived among vicious killers.

- You said it.
- No wonder he’s skittish.

A lot of times a guy'll come
up behind you and swish.

You must get your blade out
quick. Stick him or you’re dead.

God! Have you stuck a
lot of inmates, Mr Ferry?

The doorbell.
Excuse me, I need to
get in front of you here.

Would you like another?
Hi. Hello.
How are you?

Happy birthday, Steffi.
Thank you, Lynn. Thanks for coming.
I have someone I want
you to meet, Mr Ferry.

This is my good friend, Lynn.
And Arnold. This is my friend.
Mr Ferry is
just out of prison.

Parole came through, but
i’d have got out anyway.

- Really?
- What do you mean?

Ice the guard.
No pictures, sister.

What do you mean?
Ice him, and get out
through the air shaft.

Get behind him with a box
cutter, rip out his carotid artery.
