He mustve been something.
He was a foot fetishist.
The only group I
remember he belonged to.
- Thats true.
- It drove your mother crazy.
Pop, is that you?
I have one message for you.
You work and work
for years and years...
always on the go.
You never take a minute off...
too busy making dough.
Someday, you say,
youll have your fun...
when youre a millionaire.
Imagine all the fun youll have...
in your old rocking chair.
Enjoy yourself...
its later than you think.
Enjoy yourself...
while youre still in the pink.
The years go by...
as quickly as a wink.
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself...
its later than you think.
Another birthdays here and
gone, youve turned another page.
Suddenly you realise...
that youve reached middle age.
Think of all the fun youve
missed, makes you kind of sad...
Its better to have had your
wish than to have wished you had.
Enjoy yourself...
its later than you think.
Enjoy yourself...
while youre still in the pink.
The years go by...
as quickly as a wink.
Enjoy yourself, enjoy yourself...