Executive Decision

Keep at it, guys.
This is a think tank.
They pay us to think.
By the way. . .
. . .who heads the anti-terrorist unit?
Colonel Austin Travis.
Special Forces Command.
You know him?
They said it was ""come-as-you-are. ""
-Excuse me.
-David Grant.

This was recorded from the plane...
. . .shortly after the bombing.
This is Al Tha 'r.
l have a message for the President.

The London bombing
indicates my resolve.

l am in control of Flight 343.
lts passengers
shall remain in my custody...

...until Abu Jaffa...
...is released from captivity.
Follo w my instructions precisely.
No theater. No negotiation.
Jaffa will be taken
to Gatwick Airport...

... where a jet will land,
then leave with him.

On his release,
Flight 343 will go to Washington...

... where half the passengers
will be exchanged for fuel. ..

...and 50 million in gold bullion.
Jaffa must be in communication
with me by 6 a.m...

...or London will suffer
another punishment...

... that will make today's bombing
pale in comparison.

Mr. Grant.
This man. . .
. . .Al Tha`r, who is he?
Voice analysis confirms
it`s Nagi Hassan. . .

. . .Jaffa`s deputy director.
He`s an extremist.
Take him at his word. He`s not bluffing.
