That plane will be here in 8 hours.
The President has two options:
Disregard Mr. Grant`s theory. . .
. . .and let the plane proceed
to the U.S.
Or destroy it before it gets here. . .
. . .along with 406 passengers.
Even if we`re right. . .
. . .how would we ever prove it?
Colonel, if you have an opinion,
let`s hear it.
There is another possibility.
lt`s a Hail Mary pass, but. . . .
Colonel, tell him what you need.
There`s a man named Dennis Cahill
who`s an engineer for ARPA.
lf we could get him on the line ASAP. . .
. . .he can tell you what l have in mind.
Remora was developed
for the space program...
...for lo w-orbit linkups
with the shuttle.
lt has since been
modified by the Air Force...
... to study transferring
bomber crews at altitude...
...as well as other...
. . .contingencies.
We`ve had six hookups,
all successful.
This is a civilian airliner.
Mr. Cahill. . .
...do you mean Remora could work
with a 747?
This application was never
intended for a civilian airliner.
However, smooth-surface mating tests...
... were successful in a wind tunnel.
A wind tunnel.
l know you wrote the book on
assaulting hijacked aircraft.
But this is 5 miles above Earth.
Under the circumstances,
we don`t have any other options.
lt`s your call.
We must be airborne in an hour,
six men. l`ll need Mr. Cahill. . .
... to supervise the linkup.
Mr. Cahill. ..
... you and the Remora
be ready in an hour.