You`re responsible.
Anything suspicious will
bring about repercussions.
My God!
Satellite tracking indicates
our intercept here.
That`ll give you 4 hours
to complete your mission.
Our target is the hatch near
the nose of the plane.
As soon as we lock on,
l`ll raise the sleeve.
When it`s pressurized,
l`ll open the hatch of the 747.
When you`re inside, l`ll lock it.
Baker must go first.
The alarm on the hatch must be
neutralized. Tell him how.
l can`t just do that.
lt`s not a B-52 with a docking collar.
lt`s a 747 without one.
Equalization process is delicate.
lf the seal`s not the proper vacuum. . .
. . .both planes could decompress.
Our mission`s over.
This is what we`ll do.
Baker follows right behind you.
When the hatch opens, get inside
so Baker can lock off the switch.
As soon as we`re on board,
you go reseal the hatch.
l`ll clip the circuit from the ladder.
l don`t need to go on the plane.
That`s how it`s going to be.
l`m an engineer--
That`s it!