Extreme Measures

l gotta go.
-Paul, l need you in here now.
-Right away.

What've we got?
32-year-old cop, multi-gunshots.
Right chest and leg.

-Vitals in the field?

Type of weapon?
Ask him.
He shot him.
Multi-shots also.
A crack pipe was in his pocket.

Let's get lines, pressure
and fluid back here, please.

l need two teams. Simon, he's yours.
Martin, Christina, over here.

l need you out of here now.
Do us a favor.
Father, you're too early, as ever.
Get him stable and upstairs. Jodie?
Call the ORs. l want two rooms
in about three minutes.

Hi, how you doing? My name's Dr. Luthan.
l'm the doctor in charge.
You've been shot but you're doing fine.
Mind if l look?

Let's take a little look.
lt's not so bad. Do me a favor.
Take a deep breath when l say, ''Now.''

Jodie in Trauma. We've got two patients
with gunshots. We need two ORs.

Deep breath.
Great. No breath sounds on the right.
Get a chest tube...

...and rays here. Stat, Paula, stat.
-Got a name? Talk to me.
-Simon, how're we doing?

-A shot in the neck, one in the arm--
-And the wild look in your eye.

Let's relax. Same goes for everyone.
lncluding you. You've been doing crack?
Who the fuck are you?
You been doing heroin?
l need to know if l'm gonna help you.
