l don't know.
Whatever they put in you....
And what is Triphase? What is that?
ls it what they gave you where you were?
Tell lzzy l need a psych consult.
Then call the pharmacy,
find out what Triphase is.
Do you have epilepsy?
Stay with me. Do you have epilepsy?
l'm trying to help you,
but you have to answer my questions.
-Who gave you this Triphase?
-Teddy Dolson.
He saved my life. The two of us.
Okay. But l need to--
You go to The Room.
You ask Teddy Dolson. He can tell you.
You go to The Room.
But listen, l'll go to The Room.
l'll talk to Teddy Dolson,
but at this moment--
Help me.
He's talking?
l'll help you.
l just don't want to give you something
to make you worse.
-Steady, steady.
-Hold him down!
Valium. Hit him with another 20. Go.
They're on the line.
Jason, have you got him?
Got it.
l've got a patient who says he's
on Triphase. Did you ever hear of it?
No, no. Triphase with a ''T.''
Could it be a street name
or something like that?
Start CPR. l need a milligram
of epinephrine now!