You what?
Rostering. lt's okay.
Have you seen mine?
You just got your fellowship at NYU.
ln two months you won't talk to any of us.
Yeah, dead right on both counts.
Anything else?
Your dad's a doctor.
''Was,'' actually. He retired.
And your family? Are they medical?
Not really.
A lot of hypochondriacs,
but that's not quite the same.
Did the file say my dad
had his license revoked?
l'm sorry. l'm such an idiot.
No, that's fine.
l'm sorry.
l'll put you out of your misery. He....
Well, that is exactly what he did, in fact.
For a very old friend in a lot of pain
with terminal lymph cancer.
Where do you stand on that one?
l don't know.
Nor do l.
-Can l get you another baklava?
-No, thank you.
Sorry. Maybe next time we can go
somewhere with better food.
That would be anywhere in New York.
Yes, it would.
We should probably go, right?
Yeah, absolutely.
Listen, you go. l'll clear all this up.
Thanks for doing this.
Thank you for the coffee.
-Right. Coffee.
-See you there.
-Jimmy, can l get the check?
Sorry. Hang on.