Those who've been here
from the beginning...
...Helen and Billy...
...and can remember Patient 1,
know how far we've come.
Don't go wild, but your work,
your suffering...
...your sacrifices will certainly be worth it.
And like l said...
...we're not there yet...
...but we certainly will be there.
Thank you so much.
Literally hundreds of dollars worth...
...of unnecessary lab work
wiped off the computer.
And Jeff has access to that computer.
So l go to the Records Annex to look....
l shouldn't be there. To see if there's
a hard copy of details of this lab work.
And there's Jeff again.
This time, making pretty unsubtle threats
about my future...
...if l don't drop it.
What do we do? l have no idea
what they're trying to cover up.
But maybe there's something
we should be doing.
This isn't what Jeff told me.
-You spoke to him?
-You're pulling over 90 hours a week.
l looked it up. lt's too much.
People burn out.
l'm not overworked.
l brought you over. l'm your biggest fan.
Jeff may not be a great boss,
but l trust him.
Exactly what l'd have said three days--
When you accuse him of conspiracy,
you start to sound a little odd.
Yeah, well, okay. All right.
There's no question l am tired.
That's for sure.
But l promise you...
...l'm not cracking up.
l tell you what l'll do.
l'll get you a copy of the original lab work
on Minkins--
Shut the fuck up!
l'm really sorry.
l apologize.
l seriously think you should look at it.
The cops, they call you, yes?
-They still here?
-This morning l hear something breaking.
l call 91 1 right away.