Something's going on here.
''lf you cannot afford one,
one will be appointed to you.''
Watch your head.
While investigating a burglary...
...at the defendant's apartment,
police discovered in plain view...
...approximately 18 grams of pure cocaine.
The state has charges pending
concerning theft of property...
-...from the defendant's employer.
-l don't do pending, Counselor.
Talk to me about bail.
We think there's a risk of flight.
We're asking for $10,000 bond...
...and we'd like his passport.
Look, l can help you.
l'm $125 an hour.
lt was a bad search. lt was a first offense.
For $1,500, we could plead this out,
suspended sentence.
Excuse me, where you going?
l'm trying to help you!
This is Guy. lf you have a message,
leave it after the beep. Thanks.
Guy, it's Dad.
l'm sorry to keep ringing,
l want to say two things:
One: it turns out l actually knew
your NYU chap, Coseeki.
At the Royal Marston, back in the fifties.
And two:
l thought l might fly over to buy
you a congratulatory Tom Collins...
...or whatever they drink over there.
Possibly later this month?
Let me know what you think, okay? 'Bye.
''Pending the outcome of
your criminal trial, Gramercy Hospital...
''...will agree to suspend charges
on the stolen property.
''As of today, you are relieved
of all hospital duties and credentials.