l need to know who was on ER duty
when Minkins and Dolson were seen.
What are you doing? Why?
Because someone who worked these shifts
has destroyed my life.
l'm fucked, Jodie.
lt doesn't matter what happens in court.
l won't practice medicine again.
Not here. Not in England. Nowhere. Ever.
Why me?
Because you have access
to the fourth floor.
Look, l've put my number on there.
Think about it.
Althea Dolson?
Althea. Right, l beg your pardon.
Thank you. My name's Harbash.
l'm a doctor at Gramercy Hospital.
l wonder if you'd help me.
We're trying to locate anyone
who might know a Theodore Dolson.
You don't.
All right...
...thank you very much, anyway.
What kind of pain is that?
Right, so that's a sort of high fever
and a sore throat.
That would be very hard for me to say.
You'd have to have a culture taken.
Could you hang on for me?
l've got a call coming in.
Thank you. Sorry. Hello?
lt's happy hour, Doc.
We have found Mr. Half-Mole.
Right. You got our finders' fee...
...and Mr. Half-Mole says
he knows about these rooms...
...and it's a $ 100 tour.
You got 15 minutes to meet us.
Okay, fine. Where?
Grand Central information booth.
And don't forget. No scrip...
...no trip.