Eye for an Eye

- Megan?
- There's a moth, Mommy.

Is all right.
Kill it, Mommy. Please, kill it.
Kill it, Mommy. Please, kill it.
Even if you're car-pooling, you'll
find the going difficult this morning...

No matter how early I start,
I'm always late.

- You all done?
- Yeah.

Eyes, lips?
- Everything just the way you want it?
- I think so.

- You look great.
- Thank you.

Wonderful, I won't be late today.
Ou est le livre?
Le livre est sur la table.

- Le table.
- Sur le table.

- Do it again.
- Le livre est sur le table.

Very good.
- Do I look like a fairy princess?
- Yes, you do.

- Can I open a present now?
- Not till the party.

Do you want crust on your sandwich?
- No crust on your sandwich?
- I'll buy today.

My goodness, is a beautiful
fairy princess. Good morning.

- Can I have one of my presents?
- Wait for your party.

- Do you want a sandwich, Mack?
- Yes.
