Answer the phone.
- Excuse me, you can't go in there.
- Is my house.
- I live here.
- I'm sorry. Please.
- You don't want to go in there.
- Julie!
- Ma'am. I'm sorry.
- Julie.
Please tell me, is she all right?
- Is she all right?
- Ma'am, relax.
I have to know. Please...
I heard her,
I heard her, I heard her.
- Do you remember what she said?
- I was supposed to be there.
- Do we have to do this now?
- Sorry, it helps to get it fresh.
- Honey, can you do this?
- Yes. I'm all right.
Is OK. Just try
to remember anything you can.
I was talking to her
on the phone about the...
...about the party decorations.
I cut her off, then she was calling me
and I couldn't get to her.
(PHONE RINGS) Shouldn't you be after
him or looking for fingerprints?
This information is very important.
Ma'am, did your daughter,
your stepdaughter, sir,
hang out with anyone
involved with drugs?
- No.
- She was a straight arrow.
Or a boyfriend? A guy she'd
broken up with? Even a year ago?
No, nothing like that.
- Les go.
- All right.
She was a good kid.
If anything comes to mind,
a name, a face,