Eye for an Eye

- How do you forgive someone like him?
- You can't let it fester in you, Tony.

- There is another kind of justice.
- Oh, no, don't say that.

- It won't solve anything.
- Look...

I'm Irish Catholic
and I know killing is a mortal sin.

And I know my little sister's in heaven.
And I want to see her again.
Albert, do you want to go next?
Tim was twelve
when a man named
Dexter Winter shot him in the head.

Winter was robbing
a convenience store.

Tim just happened to be there.
His lawyer claimed
he'd suffered child abuse.

Got his conviction reduced
from murder to manslaughter.

- Jesus!
- Manslaughter.

Do they know
what life is like without my son?

Winter got paroled last week.
He'll be on the street in two weeks.

Here he is.
Francesca, dear.
Why don't you say something now?

When my son's killer got paroled,
I planted a tree because I needed...

- Come on.
- I'm talking about healing.

But the killer is walking.
- He's walking.
- I needed to sleep at night.

- Les not do this.
- Let it go.

All right.
All right, everybody. Take it easy.
Come on, calm down. All right?
Everybody just take a deep breath.
