Now, come on here !
No way, Wade ! No way !
We're not horse tradin' here, Wade.
We gotta just bite the bullet on this thing.
So, uh, what's the next step
here, Jerry ?
They're gonna call me up
and give me instructions for a drop.
I'm supposed to have the money ready tomorrow.
Damn it !
How was everything today ?
Yah. Real good, now.
How you doin' ?
Okay. Now, we'll
get the money together.
Don't worry about it,
Now, do you want anyone
at home with ya till they call ?
No. I- they don't want-
they were just supposed
to be dealing with me. They were real clear.
You know, they said no one listenin' in.
They'll be watchin',
you know.
Maybe it's all bull,
but like you said, stan, they're callin' the shots.
Okay. Now, is, uh,
is Scotty gonna be all right ?
Yeah, Jeez, Scotty.
Yeah. I'll go talk to him.
How you doin' there,
Scotty ?
Dad, what are they doin' ?
What do you think they're doin' with mom ?
It's okay, Scotty.
They're not gonna
wanna hurt her any.
These men, they-
they just want money.
Yeah, what if somethin' goes wrong, dad, and then-
no, no.
Nothing's goin' wrong here.
Grand dad and I, we're, um-
we're makin' sure
this gets handled right.
I really think we should
call the cops here.
No, no. No one can know
about this thing.
We gotta play ball
with these guys.
You ask Stan Grossman,
he'll tell you the same thing.
Yeah, but, dad-
we're gonna get mom back for ya,
but we gotta play ball,
you know ?