Oh, yah.
Looks pretty good.
What do we got here, Arby's ?
How's the paintin' goin' ?
Pretty good.
Found out the Hauptmanns
are entering a painting this year.
Aw, Hon,
you're better than them.
They're real good.
They're good, Norm,
but you're better than them.
Nah. You think so ?
You got Arby's all over me.
Hey ya, Norm. How's the paintin' goin' ?
Not too bad, you know.
How we doin'
on that vehicle ?
Well, no motels registered
any Tan Ciera last night,
but the night before,
two men checked into the Blue Ox,
registering a Ciera
and leaving the tag space blank.
Jeez, that's a good lead.
Blue Ox.
That's that truckers' joint out there on I-35 ?
Yah. Owner was on
the desk then.
Said these two
had company.
- Oh, yeah ?
- Yah.
Yeah, we both did. She went to college too.
I went to Normandale for about a year and a half.
- Yah. That's where we met.
- but I dropped out, though.
Yah, she dropped.
So where you girls from ?
Le Sueur.
But I went to high school
in White Bear Lake. Go bears.
Okay. I want you to tell me
what these fellas looked like.
Well, the little guy, he was kinda funny-lookin'.
In what way ?
I don't know.
Just funny-lookin'.
Can you be
any more specific ?
I couldn't really say.
He wasn't circumcised.
Was he funny-lookin'
apart from that ?
So, you were havin' sex
with the little fella, then.
Is there anything else you can tell me about him ?
Like I say,
he was funny-lookin'.
More than most people, even.
What about the other fella ?
He was a little older.
You know, he looked like the Marlboro man.
Oh, yah ?
Yah, but maybe I'm sayin' that, you know,
'Cause he smoked a lot of Marlboros.
Like a subconscious type of thing.
Oh, yah, that can happen.
Hey, they said they were going to the Twin Cities.