Oh, yah ?
Yah. Is that useful to you ?
Oh, you betcha, yah.
Come on ! Goddamn it !
Jesus Christ.
Come on,
you fuckin' shit box.
Be here for days.
Goddamn it ! Nothin' to do !
Fuckin' TV doesn't even-
Damn it ! Come on !
Plug me in, man ! Gimme a fuckin' signal !
Goddamn it !
Unbelievable !
Come on !
God !
Fuck ! Come on !
Plug me into the ozone, baby !
Come on ! Come on !
Fuck ! Fuck !
Fuck ! Fuck !
The bark beetle carries the worm to its nest,
where it will
feed its young for up to six months.
In the spring,
the larvae hatch, and the cycle begins again.
I'm turnin' in, Norm.
Oh, yah ?
Here it is throwing off
the larval envelope.
Hello. Yah. Is this Marge ?
Margie Olmstead ?
Uh, yah. Who's this ?
This is Mike Yanagita !
You know, Mike Yanagita.
Remember me ?
M- Mike Yanagita ?