I hit a major corporation for five million.
- You're lyin'.
- Am I?
All right! Hold on. Why would I lie?
One: to keep me from kickin' your ass.
Two: same reason.
Three: prison life
ain't exactly worked out for you.
That's why I'm offerin' you
a million dollars.
More than you'll ever see in your life.
Yeah. I'll be lookin' over my shoulder
for the rest of my life, too.
What else will you do when you get out?
Work for 7-Eleven?.
They ain't hiring convicts.
You think about that.
- All right, I want half.
- Half? Fuck you! This ain't divorce.
No. We married, baby.
For better, for worse, in sickness
and in health, till death do us part.
The chopper's comin' back around,
Dodge. You better hurry up.
Come on, baby. Say "l do."
Shit! All right - half.
- But after that, that is it! We are even.
- No.
Now we're even.
- Where are we?
- I don't know.
- Which way?
- This way.
- What the hell is that?
- Sounds like a train.
Let's go!