- You think you're pretty smart, don't you?
- Nope. Just average for a country boy.
- Did you notify the fugitive's next of kin?
- They're not a priority on my list.
What exactly is a priority on your list?
Bringing these fugitives to justice.
My hunch is
they're more pawns than fugitives.
It seems to me your hunches are more
like a Hardy Boys mystery than real life.
And I think that
you are spittin' in the wind.
And you know what they say
about spittin' in the wind.
It can blow back in your face.
- Come on. Hurry up, man.
- I'm fixing him so he won't fall over.
Pop the brake.
- Come on, before somebody sees us.
- All right. Ready? One, two, three.