I wonder what it feels like to want to be
a politician and not hold office.
Like a cop without a job.
I talked to Schiller. You ain't makin'
any friends mouthin' off.
Well, I'm not tryin' to make any friends.
I'm tryin' to do my job.
Oh, yeah? What job might that be?
Say, where are you goin'?
Let me talk to you for a second.
Why do you think the Attorney General
and a US marshal are involved in this?
They're following orders from superiors -
which you can't seem to do.
Would you listen for a sec?
Warden Nichols said the Attorney General
had Dodge placed on that road crew.
Plus, Dodge hacked into Brigantine
International's computer system.
- Why don't we have a record of it?
- Because the key stockholder
is a Frank Mantajano, who is currently
under indictment by the Attorney General.
So whatever Dodge discovered
inside their computer system,
they wanna keep it secret.
Great police work. Maybe I can
get you assigned to the Hoffa case next!
Are you outta your fuckin' mind?
Blanks. Found 'em on the road
where Dodge escaped. Police issue.
It's all right. It's OK.
Listen. I don't have all the pieces
to the puzzle yet, but just think about it.
Dodge makes off with $25 million
of Mantajano's money
and the corporation
doesn't press charges.
This is evidence. Did you tell Schiller?
My guess is he knows. He had Dodge
put on that road so he'd run.
But things went sour. People died.
So Schiller wants this out of the press.
- What the hell does that prove?
- What it proves, right,
is that Dodge has something big
on Mantajano
and the Attorney General wants it bad.
Now, I have got a hunch,
and I need an old friend to turn his back
for 24 hours so I can play it out.
OK, you got 24 hours. Not a minute more.
And, Matthew,
you fuck this up,
friend or no friend, it's your ass.