This is it. Right here.
- No, it was over here.
No, I'm positive. This is it.
- I'm telling you, I remember.
Actually, it was more this way.
No, over here. - I'm telling you...
- I know it was here somewhere.
Could you be more specific?
It was dark.
Hey, I'm from Chicago.
It's not like there are street signs.
Did you notice
the lighthouse on the way out?
I'm pretty sure this was the spot.
- Me too.
If you're at all right,
Dirk Moran's been dumping poison
smack in the middle of my fishing
grounds. Let's head back.
We know why
the fishing's been so lousy lately.
What is it this time?
Algae blooms, el NiƱo, bad karma?
Somebody's poisoning
these waters. - We may know who.
When Flipper came back sick...
- Wait a minute!
That dolphin's back?
We're talking about toxic waste.
Costs big bucks to dispose of.
If you can just dump it in the
ocean... - Look at these test results!
I'm not interested! Bring me
hard evidence and I'll bust 'em!
Buck! - Any idea how many
marine parks I've turned away?
That animal
would be a fine attraction.
- Easy, Dirk.
If Flipper's still here on Monday,
I will see to it that he's
jumping hoops at Sea World on Tuesday.
Still talking about that dolphin?
- No. Actually,
we were talking about
the slime-ball who's been
dumping toxic waste offshore.
That explains
why fishing's been so lousy lately.