I really think this is gonna get us
closer together.
Oh, honey, after you're married,
he feels like he's kissing his mother
half the time, anyway.
Our kissing is still nice, but he's
so controlling about the oral sex.
Well, have you tried
the warm water method?
- Are you kidding?
- No.
- You're kidding.
- No.Joe loves it.
- Hey.
- Oh, hi, Mel.
- Hi.
- Look what I found.
What did you find?
- What made you dig these out?
- Remember?
I don't know. I was just feeling
nostalgic for some reason.
That's so sweet. We found these
on our first field trip together.
Very sweet. Oh, congratulations
on finding your mother, Mel.
- Thank you.
- That oughta settle
some big issues for you, huh?
Definitely. Which issues
are you talking about?
- Starting with the whole sex thing.
- Sex. Baby's name. The baby's name.
- 'Cause you said Ethan--
- No, no, wait a minute.
She just said the sex thing.
- You said that Ethan was too feminine.
- Right.
- We were trying to think of a more
masculine baby name, right? So--
- Okay, but she said the sex thing.
- Didn't you just say the sex thing?
- But she meant that.
- Well, why don't you just let her
speak for herself? Wh-What did you mean?
- Well, tell him. Tell him. Go on.
Actually, it was oral sex
I was referring to.
Oral sex, really?
I think I just walked in...
- on a ladies' conversation
that guys aren't supposed to--
- No, you didn't.
- Yes, I-- I'm gonna go.
- No, no, no, no, no.
- I'm gonna leave.
- No, stay.
- No. No. Leave.
- Don't go. Come on.
- Go. Stay? No.
- Honey, we weren't talking about us.
- I-- What?
- We wouldn't-- I wouldn't--
- No. I know.
- You've gotta know that.
- I know that so much.
- Bye.
- So true.
Hey, I didn't go around telling my
friends you didn't want to make love...
for almost two months
after the baby was born, did I?
- Probably.
- Okay, but it didn't
get back to you, did it? Huh?
Are you sure you're okay
about this woman coming along?
It's not weird or anything?
Well, it's a little strange
to be travelling with a chaperone.
But if you're okay with it,
I'm okay with it.
Well, it's just, she's been through
the process so many times.
I think it's a good thing.
Honey, if this helps you
get what you need inside...
- then I'm all for it.
- Thanks, sweetie.
This cheese is disgusting.
Get it away from me.