Maybe you should
if you can't name the baby.
- That is a terrible,
sick thing to say, Ed!
- You said it first!
- That's no excuse!
- If you say it, fine.
If I say it, I'm sick.
- Maybe.
- Tina is with the adoption agency.
- What adoption agency?
- The adoption agency
where you adopted me.
- When I was a little baby, remember?
- Oh, my God!
Oh, God. I have to have a cigarette
if we're gonna talk about this.
- Can I bum one of those?
- No, you can't smoke around the baby.
- Show a little compassion, will you?
- This might be a good time
to make an exception. For her.
- Pearl!
- I'd like to know what happened
to the Constitution in this country.
- Please, can you please put it out?
- Oh, all right, all right!
Why does he have to do this roots thing?
Aren't we good enough parents?
I think you probably
did the best that you could,
but psychic scars can't be helped.
Psychic scars?
What is she talking about?
She's saying we failed completely.
- That's way too extreme.
- Yeah, maybe just 40 percent.
Mom, you can't quantify it like that.
I mean, what difference does it make...
if it's 40 percent or 60 percent?
Sixty percent?
Why is everybody getting
so serious all of a sudden?
I thought we were gonna talk
about buying new carpeting...
getting rid of this crap,
putting in the wall-to-wall.
Life is so rich, so full.
You have a wife,
a child, a good job.
Why are you doing this?
If I could pop in here for a second,
I think that what Mel is trying
to communicate here...
is that no matter where we are in our
lives, especially if we're adopted...
we can't help but feel
that there's something missing--
that there's something out there
that's going to make us feel...
complete, give us a sense of belonging,
connectedness if you will.
This woman strikes me
as being very dangerous.
It's understandable
that you would find me threatening.
Why don't you psychoanalyze me?
I'd love to hear this. Go ahead.